Reduce the Risk of Slips and Falls
There’s nothing that can happen quicker and be more surprising than a sudden slip or fall. Regardless of your age or time of year, a tumble can take a serious toll on your health. Though falls can occur to anyone, discussing them is often related to the aging population.
Did you know that one in three people over age 65 falls at least once each year?
You want to be active and healthy for years to come. A big part of making sure you’re able to do so is preventing slips and falls. With greater fitness and mobility, you won’t have to worry about many common conditions that plague seniors such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, strains and sprains, and osteoporosis.
How to Prevent Getting Hurt
Nobody plans on having an injury, but they can happen in a fraction of a second. If you’re looking for ways to prevent injury, here are some easy tips for you to follow:
- Remove reading glasses when you get up from a seated position and walk.
- Don’t climb onto a chair, stool, or countertop to reach anything. Ask someone else to help you.
- Consider a reflective collar or bell for your pet. Making them more visible means you won’t stumble over them as easily.
- Stop rushing. Whether it’s to pick up a ringing phone or answer the door, it can always wait a little longer.
- Sit down to take off your shoes. Move a chair or bench into your entryway so that you can easily be seated.
- Pick up your surroundings. You may have toys or other objects cluttering hallways and stairs that can be put away to prevent tripping.
- Get some nonslip shoes or slippers for inside wear. They’re much better than an old pair with worn soles.
What Else Can You Do?
It’s important to know that physical activity can improve your balance and endurance. Additionally, staying active can mean greater bone strength, all of which will help contribute to less effects from any slip or fall you have.
You may also want to consider visiting us. Chiropractors are qualified to assess your strength and balance, which will give you information about your susceptibility to slips and falls. You’ll receive exercises to strengthen any weakened areas and get useful advice that can reduce any risks you have, as well as talk to you about nutrition that can help your bone strength.
Have You Already Been Injured?
Are you already suffering from the effects of a slip or fall?
In that case, you’re probably concerned about getting out of pain and restoring your mobility. If that sounds familiar, know that a chiropractor is also a good practitioner to turn to. Chiropractors can assist in relieving pain, increasing your function and range of motion, correcting posture, and in boosting your overall balance!
By following advice on preventing slips and falls and seeking help immediately after one, you can be sure to quickly negate any ill effects on your health.
Are You Working This Superfood Into Your Diet?
If you like to stay informed on your health, you’ve likely heard of superfoods. These foods are considered a superior choice that you should try to work into your everyday diet. With a rich nutrient profile, each of us should be eating as many superfoods as possible.
One that you may not have considered yet? Avocado.
Though some might be well-informed on the benefits of avocados, there are plenty of people who have never reached for them on the grocery store shelves.
Avocados are actually considered a fruit, not a vegetable. They’re rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats. Here are the many reasons to include them in your grocery shopping:
- The anti-inflammatory properties in avocados help you avoid bad cholesterol
- The phytonutrients in avocados prevent cancer
- The 20 vitamins and minerals in each avocado aren’t commonly found in other food choices
Why Healthy Fats Are Important
Not all fats are the same! Those concerned about weight loss or calorie counting may be afraid of foods rich in fat like avocados. They contain unsaturated fats, which are typically referred to as “good fats.” There’s no reason to shy away from eating them.
The consumption of these types of fats has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. They have not, however, been linked to disease! When you consume unsaturated fat, you get benefits such as lowering of LDL cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and building stronger cell membranes.
Science even indicates that the consumption of healthy fats can reduce your risk of becoming overweight, and in getting obesity-related disease! So even those who are concerned about losing unwanted pounds need not be concerned that avocados will be harmful on their weight loss journey.
What Each Avocado Contains
In addition to their profile of healthy fats, there are plenty of reasons to eat avocados. They’re sodium-free, low in sugar, high in protein and fiber, and will help you feel fuller for longer.
If you eat an avocado, here are the nutrients you’ll get:
- Vitamin K, needed for wound healing and bone health
- Folate, supports healthy cell growth and function
- Vitamin C, an immune booster that helps your body heal
- Potassium (even more than a banana!), helps your nerves function and gets waste products out of the body’s cells
- Vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant and protects your cells from damage
Some people like to simply slice an avocado in half and eat it right out of the shell with a spoon and a little salt sprinkled on it.
If you aren’t a fan of avocado all on its own, don’t let that scare you away from gaining all these great nutrients. Try making a guacamole by mashing the avocado with lime, diced red onion, diced tomato, and sea salt. Add hot sauce to your taste. You can also add avocado on the top of a salad to give it an extra nutrient punch, or serve it as a side at your next taco night. To completely disguise an avocado, put it into a smoothie to give your drink a creamy taste!