Fighting Your Allergies with Diet
Do you suffer from allergies? You’ve likely tried all of the medicine under the sun and maybe even avoided leaving the house on the days when allergies have got you feeling under the weather. What you may not have known is that sometimes your diet can actually improve your allergy situation.
Eating certain foods actually can work as an all-natural treatment for allergy symptoms, just like seeing your chiropractor can help fight ailments that you would normally get a prescription for. Take a look at a few foods you may want to try next time you suffer from allergies and want to skip the prescription drugs.
Fish with omega-3’s
You may think to avoid fatty foods, but fatty foods aren’t the problem. In fact, fatty fish is actually great for your body and for fighting allergies. Make sure to incorporate fatty fish in your diet to gain the omega-3 that you need to decrease allergic reactions. This could include Atlantic mackerel, freshwater salmon, or Alaskan salmon.
Green Tea
When you’re craving a hot tea in the morning, choose green tea with a squeeze of lemon. Not only does this help with weight loss, but it contains antihistamines for fighting off allergies. It’s a great way to start the day.
If you’re not currently getting probiotics in your diet, make sure to start enjoying kefir for your gut’s health and improvement of the body’s allergic response. This yogurt-based beverage can be found at the grocery or a health food store and works to improve the healthy bacteria in your gut to improve digestion and reduce allergies.
Collard Greens
Leafy greens in your daily salad are a great way to get your daily vegetable needs met, but make sure you make it with collard greens included. This leafy green is great for blocking histamines because it’s rich in carotenoids. You can sauté them in olive oil or include them in a green smoothie.
Do you love pineapple in the summertime or on top of your pizza? Choose it regularly to get the allergy-fighting benefits that come with it. This superfood contains an active ingredient called bromelain, which works to relive inflammation in the enzymes through its function of being an irritation suppressant.
Who doesn’t love garlic? Did you know that garlic actually works to improve your immune system while you’re just enjoying this delicious addition to your lunch or dinner? Add garlic to your veggies, in a soup, or to your steak to create an amazing flavor and actually benefit your body simultaneously. Fresh garlic will decrease your body’s allergic reactions by strengthening your immune system.
If you don’t already incorporate cauliflower into your diet, make sure to start doing so. Cauliflower is a great vegetable option whether you want a raw snack, a grilled entrée, or an alternative to your mashed potatoes.
Choose cauliflower more often to benefit from its allergy-fighting properties, which are to combat symptoms by blocking your immune system cells from releasing histamines through the quercetin. Without histamines causing your allergy symptoms, you’ll be breathing easier and enjoying other great health benefits from this excellent vegetable.
If you didn’t know it before, food can heal all kinds of things in your body. Allow it to heal your allergies too, so that you can heal the body from feeling the effects of allergies once and for all.
Improvement of Epileptic Patient following Upper Cervical Chiropractic care
Epilepsy starts in the brain and often results in seizures without the presence of other conditions. Typically epilepsy affects both males and females equally. In 2013 in the United States, 1% of individuals under the age of 17 (750,000) and 1.8% of adults over the age of 18 (4.3 million) were diagnosed with epilepsy.
A recent survey revealed that more and more epileptic patients are seeking Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), with more than 20% receiving Chiropractic care.
In this case study, a 22 year old female started Chiropractic care suffering with daily headaches and seizures typically occurring every 3 days. The seizures lasted from minutes to an hour. Unfortunately, medication had not been able to reduce the frequency of her seizures.
A detailed Chiropractic examination revealed postural abnormalities, and also tenderness and reduced movement of the C1 vertebra. Thermal scans were also done to further determine cervical subluxations were present and Chiropractic care was needed.
After 14 visits, the patient no longer had daily headaches and the frequency of the seizures had reduced significantly. A ‘Quality of Life in Epilepsy’ questionnaire showed that before beginning Chiropractic care, she scored a low 29.27. After care, her self assessed rating rose to a high 80.18, signifying a 50 point improvement on the epileptic outcome measure.
This case study is one of several showing how Chiropractic care can reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures.
Hartenburg, M., & Denton, A. (n.d.). Resolution of Seizures & Improvement in Quality of Life in a 22-Year-Old Female with Epilepsy Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care . Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, 2017(1).
Progress Displayed in Autistic Behaviours after Chiropractic Care
The neurodevelopmental disorder labelled as autism is defined by the atypical social interaction and communication where the individual uses repetitive behaviours and mannerisms. In New Zealand, about one in every one hundred people is affected by this disorder. The cause of this disorder is unidentified but some hypothesize that the main factors that play a role in autism are environmental, biological and genetic. Individuals with autism suffer from impairments in social interactions, both verbal and non-verbal communication and exhibit repetitive or reserved behavioural patterns during activities and interests.
The first patient in this case study was a 20 year old autistic male who had a history of displaying aggressive and sometimes violent behaviour towards others. There had been several incidents where the individual would try to grab and bite someone on the head and neck area. These events would typically occur 2-7 times a week and was a result of him being denied something he wanted or when his normal routine would be disrupted.
The second patient was a non-verbal 17 year old autistic female. She was being taken care for by community health workers and she lived in a home with other autistic individuals. This patient displayed behaviours of self abuse and agitation. These behaviours included throwing tantrums, biting her hands and punching herself in the face to the point of bruising. She also had epilepsy which was well controlled through her medicine. Both patients were prescribed with chiropractic care once a week for a total of 5 and 4 months respectively.
After 4 visits of chiropractic care, the male patient displayed more willingness to be co-operative, an increased attention span and started to watch television. Subsequent to the fifth visit, he exhibited improvements in the ability to follow instructions without a delay. Throughout the span of the sixth to twentieth visit, he did not experience any aggressive or violent episodes and was now able to calm himself down when he became frustrated.
Following 3 visits, the female patient experienced improved sleep as well as a decrease in self-abuse behaviours. She had also become calmer and was now able to sit with the others during meals. At the fifth visit, all the bruises on her face were now gone and she had become more interactive and affectionate towards others.
Chiropractic care had a positive impact on both of the individuals in this case study who suffered from autism. Those who have autism and experience similar symptoms may also benefit from chiropractic care.
Cleave, J., Alcantara, J., & Holt, K. (2011). Improvement in Autistic Behaviors Following Chiropractic Care:
A Case Series. Journal Of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health, pp. 125-131